Individual Counselling for Adults

We work with adults, through 50 minute individual sessions which utilise talk-based therapies as well as other modalities.

Making use of psycho-education and interventions in line with the current research, we help you discover how your brain works, support you to understand your emotional and behavioural responses, and integrate daily techniques and tools. 

Our practice aims to reduce the stigma around seeking help for mental health difficulties, and ensure you feel supported through any life changes that you might be experiencing, such as : 

of managing your mental health, and ensuring you feel you can gain support through any life changes, 

  1. Managing daily stress.

  2. Managing work stress and burnout.

  3. Working through relationship difficulties 

  4. Seeking clarification around life decisions 

  5. Improving sense of confidence 

We are also skilled in managing any mental health concerns, inclusive of:

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression 

  • Eating disorders 

  • Trauma

  • Grief & loss

  • Autism 

  • ADHD

Individual Counselling for Children

We work with children, adolescents, and families, through 50 minute individual sessions which utilise talk-based therapies as well as other immersive modalities.

Making use of art and other creative means, we provide psycho-education to child in a way that is accessible and appropriate. We use interventions which are in line with the current research, to help children and young people understand themselves and how their brain works so that we can develop strategies that will work for them.  

We skilled in managing any mental health concerns, inclusive of: 

    • Anxiety 

    • Depression 

    • Eating disorders 

    • Trauma

    • Parenting support

    • Suicidal Ideation  

    • Self-harm 

    • Autism 

    • ADHD
    • Behavioural Difficulties 



Parents, school counselors or guidance officers, general practitioners (GPs), paediatricians and child psychiatrists commonly refer young clients to child psychologists for a cognitive or learning assessment if the child is experiencing learning problems at school.  These assessments can ascertain whether they have any learning problems that may be causative or contributing to a clinical presentation and to aid in accurate clinical formulation and treatment planning.

Different Types of Assessments are below:


Learning Assessment

  • Identify the child’s potential for learning (intelligence) and whether the child is in fact meeting their potential academically (reading skills, writing, spelling and mathematics);
  • Provides information as to how the child is performing compared with peers and grade expectations;
  • Identifies how the child learns best;
  • Helps provide teachers with valuable information about how children differ in order to match the classroom teaching to the specific needs of the children;

Clinical /Diagnostic Assessment

A thorough investigation using psychological tests, parent and child interviews and parent questionnaires, to identify if a child has a childhood disorder (eg depression, AD/HD, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, behaviour disorders, etc.)

Developmental Assessment

Identifies developmental delays in language, motor skills, social and emotional skills, cognitive (thinking) and self help skills.


Services we don't provide

Pre-sentencing Court reports

Minds in Bloom Psychology do not provide this service .

Family Court reports

Minds in Bloom Psychology do not provide this service .

Positive Behaviour Support Plans

Minds in Bloom Psychology do not provide this service .

Contact Us

I am delivery services 100% via tele-health.

Assessment’s will be conducted via tele-health and home visit (if physical assessment items need to be administered). 

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